Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Something for my House

Several of the blogs I follow had posts about budgeting today. Is this a sign? Probably.

Good thing I found the capiz shell chandelier I've been coveting for an extremely reasonable price at Cost Plus!

Isn't it beautiful? The best part is, it can hang from a light bulb in the ceiling, so I can use it to replace the hideous light fixture in our bedroom. We're renters, so we have to work with what we were given.

If you're interested in getting one, be sure to check Craigslist. I found one on Craigslist for $35 dollars that was $100 new, but it was already taken by the time I arrived on the scene. I'm a huge fan of buying things used whenever possible (often better quality, more bang for your buck, and better for the environment!) but Cost Plus is definitely the next best thing.

I can't wait to fall asleep under cascading capiz shells! Sweet beachy dreams to you all.

Chandelier can be found at Cost Plus.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Things I Would Like

This Dress

I just LOVE this dress. I picture myself casually arranging flowers in it, just like the model. In my fantasy I've also grown long, wavy hair. I may have spent too much time staring at the picture.

These Books
Second only to my obsession with the dress is my obsession with the Clothbound Penguin Classics. I want every single book, but I'm especially excited about Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, and Alice in Wonderland. If they ever come out with Les Miserables, I might faint.

The Scene
In a perfect world, I'd be wearing the Anthropologie dress while reading a Clothbound Penguin Classic, preferably in a meadow on a sunny afternoon.

I'd use this bike to get there.

We'd also have world peace.

The dress is from Anthropologie, the books are Clothbound Penguin Classics and can be found for $13 each on Amazon, and the bike is a beach cruiser from XYZ Beach Cruisers.